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Pickens Auctions:
Preserving heritage and harvest through seamless generational land transfer.

Stillwater, Oklahoma Acreage Auction

Nice building site, shared pond, hard surface road frontage on 2 sides, close in and easy access but that's not all-Yes there is a water meter in place and close to both Lake McMurtry and Lake Carl Blackwell. A rare gem indeed with this 5+ acres close to Stillwater, OSU and easy access to HWY 51 and I-35-drive by and walk over and we will look forward to seeing you on Friday March 7th at 10:00 am-any questions please call Gregg Pickens Auctioneer @ 405-747-9304

On-site bidding

M arch 7th, 2025 10:00 am

10:00 am

Drive by and walk over

Stillwater, OK

Pickens Auction Service


Great visibility and access describes this offering best- Hwy 18 and Eseco RD Frontage that provides easy access to HWY 33, Perkins, Cushing, Stillwater, Oklahoma State University and approximately 45 minutes from either the Oklahoma City or Tulsa Metro areas. Offered in large desirable tracts and combinations that are appealing for multiple applications. TRACT LAYOUT COMING SOON

On-site bidding

Thursday, March 27th 10:00 am

10:00 am

Cushing, OK

Pickens Auction Service


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