Stillwater, Oklahoma Acreage Auction

Nice building site, shared pond, hard surface road frontage on 2 sides, close in and easy access but that's not all-Yes there is a water meter in place and close to both Lake McMurtry and Lake Carl Blackwell.
A rare gem indeed with this 5+ acres close to Stillwater, OSU and easy access to HWY 51 and I-35-drive by and walk over and we will look forward to seeing you on Friday March 7th at 10:00 am-any questions please call Gregg Pickens Auctioneer @ 405-747-9304


M arch 7th, 2025

10:00 am


8505 W Lakeview

Stillwater, OK


On-site bidding


Drive by and walk over

Conducted By Pickens Auction Service

Conducted By Pickens Auction Service